NYC for the summer


 A few weeks ago I found out, dreams really do come true! 

With that said, I am so excited to announce, that I will be heading out to New York City this Friday to start my summer of interning in SOHO. If you know me, you know I have always dreamed of living in New York. Something about a big city and bright lights excites me. The fast pace city is perfect to keep up with my over-the-top personality. I love exploring new places and meeting new people and really, where better to do that than in New York City?! 

I will be working in SOHO for 10 weeks at a company that I believe in and am so excited to work for. Everyone has always told me, “if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere”. I can’t wait to explore the city I get to live in for the summer and hopefully, for many years to come after graduation.

On that note, I would love to hear all about the great restaurants or fun things to do in the city if you have been or live there. My apartment is in the East Village and my job is located in SOHO, so fun or quick restaurants around there would be a big help! 

I hope you will all subscribe to my site and follow along on this summer of adventure in New York City! 

One thought on “NYC for the summer

  1. Big things are coming your way Brit! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to visit! Don’t forget to do some killer shopping in your free time 😘


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