About Brittany

Hi, I am Brittany Panko.

I am a fun, adventurous 21-year old blonde living in a world of possibilities and new experiences. I have a desire to travel and make a positive impact in this world. My obsessions include shoes, trying new workouts, boba tea and exploring new cities.

I have studied abroad in Spain and traveled to 13 different countries. This past summer, I interned in London, England, where I lived alone in a major city for the first time and discovered, I really can do this. These experiences made me realize the importance of travel. I am currently a junior studying Public Relations and minoring in Spanish at the University of Oklahoma.

I try to live my life everyday by this quote: “If it doesn’t scare you, you’re probably not dreaming big enough.” – Tory Burch

I am from Mission Hills, Kansas, a small city right outside of Kansas City, Missouri. I have dreams of moving to NYC and traveling the world. The purpose of this blog is to allow you to get a closer look into my life, what interests me, where I am in the world and all the new experiences I am having. I hope you’ll follow along and join me on this great bold, blonde adventure!

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